Reliability of a Virtual Prosthodontic Project Realized through a 2D and 3D Photographic Acquisition: An Experimental Study on the Accuracy of Different Digital Systems
Abstract: Aims: The study aims to assess the accuracy of digital planning in dentistry, evaluating the characteristics of different intraoral 3D scanners and comparing it with traditional imaging 2D recording methods. Specifically, using computer aided design (CAD) software and measuring inside CAD software, authors want to verify the reliability of different models obtained with different techniques and machines. Methods: 12 patients that needed aesthetic restorative treatment were enrolled in the study. All the patients underwent recording data of the height and width dental elements 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 size using different technologies and comparing 2D with 3D methods. A T test was then applied in order to verify whether there was a statistically significant difference between the measurements obtained, comparing the different tools data (Emerald, TRIOS, Photogrammetry and DSS (Digital Smile System)) with the reference values. Results: No significant differences emerged in the measurements made with the different scanners (Trios 3Shape ®, Planmeca Emerald ®) and photogrammetry. Therefore, what should be underlined regarding the 2D measurements is the speed and simplicity compared to all 3D techniques, so this work can help to better define the field of application and the limits connected to 2D techniques, giving a good window of the technique. Conclusions: The low number of patients is not sufficient to provide statistically significant results, but the digital planning future prospects seem to be promising. This study results highlighted how a photogrammetric scanner for dental arches would only have a much smaller shooting field size and greater accuracy. Despite these considerations, the photogrammetric facial scanner provided excellent results for the measurement of individual Articolo_tesi_Uni_Messina
Reliability of a Virtual Prosthodontic Project Realized through a 2D and 3D Photographic Acquisition: An Experimental Study on the Accuracy of Different Digital Systems
Abstract: Aims: The study aims to assess the accuracy of digital planning in dentistry, evaluating the characteristics of different intraoral 3D scanners and comparing it with traditional imaging 2D recording methods. Specifically, using computer aided design (CAD) software and measuring inside CAD software, authors want to verify the reliability of different models obtained with different techniques and machines. Methods: 12 patients that needed aesthetic restorative treatment were enrolled in the study. All the patients underwent recording data of the height and width dental elements 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 size using different technologies and comparing 2D with 3D methods. A T test was then applied in order to verify whether there was a statistically significant difference between the measurements obtained, comparing the different tools data (Emerald, TRIOS, Photogrammetry and DSS (Digital Smile System)) with the reference values. Results: No significant differences emerged in the measurements made with the different scanners (Trios 3Shape ®, Planmeca Emerald ®) and photogrammetry. Therefore, what should be underlined regarding the 2D measurements is the speed and simplicity compared to all 3D techniques, so this work can help to better define the field of application and the limits connected to 2D techniques, giving a good window of the technique. Conclusions: The low number of patients is not sufficient to provide statistically significant results, but the digital planning future prospects seem to be promising. This study results highlighted how a photogrammetric scanner for dental arches would only have a much smaller shooting field size and greater accuracy. Despite these considerations, the photogrammetric facial scanner provided excellent results for the measurement of individual teeth, showing a great versatility of use. Articolo_tesi_Uni_Messina
A Digital Workflow fon an implant retained over denture
A Digital Workflow for an implant retained over denture articolo luglio2018
Tesi di laurea
Just Digital ha il grande onore di collaborare con diverse Università sia italiane che oltre confine.
Per brevità citiamo le tesi più recenti per le quali è stata adottata la metodologia DSS.
Dott.ssa Erica Grazia Lo Castro
Dott. Giancarlo Sigari
Università di Catania
Prof. Ernesto Rapisarda
Prof. Luca Ortensi
Fare la differenza
I protocolli di lavoro e di utilizzo delle tecnologie messi a punto da Just Digital segnano nuovi percorsi per tutti i tipi di terapie e hanno grandi vantaggi in termini di:
- Tempo – si può, ad esempio, disporre di un mock-up da provare in bocca al paziente alla prima seduta;
- Costi – la pianificazione digitale con DSS consente di trasferire essenziali informazioni analitiche e misure affidabili al laboratorio, azzerando quindi ogni margine di errore.
- Riproducibilità – avendo a disposizione, da una parte, strumenti affidabili e, dall’altra, protocolli codificati e ripetibili, il team odontoiatrico ha indicazioni chiare per ottenere il risultato migliore in ogni trattamento.
Siamo nani seduti sulle spalle di giganti
Siamo nani seduti sulle spalle di giganti
- Mauro Fradeani, Analisi Estetica
- Claude R. Rufenacht, Fundamentals of Esthetics
- Claude R. Rufenacht, Principles of Esthetic Integration
- Pascal Mogne, Urs Belser, Bonded Porcelain Restorations in anterior dentition
Il cambiamento è sempre un’opportunità
Il cambiamento è sempre una opportunità.
Parafrasando Henry Ford, se perseveriamo nelle stesse azioni, otterremo sempre lo steso risultato. Cambiare l’approccio ed aprirsi al nuovo significa ampliare le proprie prospettive.
L’unica, vera costante è il cambiamento dal quale Just Digital crea concrete opportunità.
- Ortensi L et al.
A digital workflow for an edentulous patient.
Spectrumdialogue Vol 17 Jan Feb 2018 - Stefani R, Caviggioli I, Molinelli F, Ortensi L.
L’impiego delle tecnologie digitali nella diagnosi protesica e nella realizzazione della protesi.
Il Dentista Moderno Ottobre 2012
- Rossi M, Molinelli F, Caviggioli I. Latest trends in prosthetics
Total maxillary rehabilitation with a Toronto Bridge using digital technologies
CAD/CAM International magazine of digital dentistry 2015;1:28-31
- Ortensi L., Stefani R., Lavorgna L., Caviggioli I., Vitali T.,
A Digital Workflow for an Implant Reteined over Denture: a new approach
Biomedical, Jul 13th, 2018