Welcome to the future
Digital Technologies permeate our day-to-day life in every aspect and have gained a key role in Modern Dentistry as well, becoming indispensable for the professional growth of the various specialists involved in the therapeutical workflows.
To adopt them within your Clinics and Labs and to learn how to interact with them, means making a fully-fledged revolution, the benefits of which will be immediately tangible.
Life gets better by change, not by chance.
To quote Henry Ford, if you’ll always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.
Changing approach and keeping an open mind means widening your perspectives.
Nothing is permanent but change and Just Digital seize the chance out of it.
Look alike, be different.
Just Digital’s protocols and methodology in the use of technologies trace new paths in the different therapies and have great advantages in terms of:
- Time – you can dispose of a mock-up to test onto the patient at the very first appointment;
- Costs – DSS virtual planning allows to hand essential information and reliable measures over to the Lab, leaving, therefore, no margin for error.
- Replicability – having reliable tools at hand, on one side, and, on the other, encoded and replicable protocols, the dental team disposes of the fundamental guidelines to achieve the best result in each treatment plan.
“Remember to celebrate milestones as you prepare for the road ahead”
- Mauro Fradeani, Esthetic Analysis
- Claude R. Rufenacht, Fundamentals of Esthetics
- Claude R. Rufenacht, Principles of Esthetic Integration
- Pascal Mogne, Urs Belser, Bonded Porcelain Restoration in anterior dentition
- Ortensi L et al. A digital workflow for an edentulous patient. Spectrumdialogue Vol 17 Jan Feb 2018
- Stefani R, Caviggioli I, Molinelli F, Ortensi L. L’impiego delle tecnologie digitali nella diagnosi protesica e nella realizzazione della protesi. Il Dentista Moderno Ottobre 2012
- Rossi M, Molinelli F, Caviggioli I. Latest trends in prosthetics – Total maxillary rehabilitation with a Toronto Bridge using digital technologies. CAD/CAM International magazine of digital dentistry 2015;1:28-31
- Ortensi L., Stefani R., Lavorgna L., Caviggioli I., Vitali T., A Digital Workflow for an Implant Reteined over Denture: a new approach, Biomedical, Jul 13th, 2018
Just Digital has the honor to cooperate with various Univesities both in Italy and abroad.
For the sake of brevity, we will quote here the latest graduate thesis that have involved the DSS methodology.
- “La pianificazione digitale di casi estetici: Studio sperimentale sull’attendibilità del progetto virtuale e la sua realizzazione in 3D o CAD-CAM ”
Dott.ssa Erica Grazia Lo Castro - “Pianificazione digitale di faccette “customizzate”: Studio sperimentale sull’attendibilità del progetto virtuale e la sua realizzazione”
Dott. Giancarlo Sigari
Università di Catania
Prof. ErnestoRapisarda
Prof. LucaOrtensi