The best part of learning is sharing what you know.
Modern Dentistry, in recent years, requires the use of digital technologies in the diagnostic and therapeutical phases of a patient’s rehabilitation. Such technologies allow several improvements both in the preliminary analysis of the cases with the virtual planning and by literally revolutionizing the productive workflow.
Through Just Learn, its training division, Just Digital promotes a new approach to the various therapies thanks to specific digital processes that move from the 4 different modules of the DSS Software.
The protocols, encoded and validated by the clinical expertise of our credited Dentists and Technicians through articles, publications and Graduate Thesis, are the heritage that Just Learn will share during the numerous training appointments. Our exclusive Doctor + Technician format has proved to be very successful as it allows a real hands-on experience which favors the learning.
Just Learn establishes an Academy of Digital Dentistry to forge high-profile professionals who stay on top of innovation and to offer an appealing opportunity for open discussion, growth and exposure to those Colleagues who would want to come onboard.